Access your applications

Access your applications

Once an owner has assigned apps to the new account – Truesizer, Estimator, and/or EmbroideryStudio – you are free to access them.

To access your applications...

  1. Use your registered email address and current password to log in.
  2. You can access Truesizer and Estimator apps from the My Apps page. You can also access them from the WilcomWorkspace dashboard.
  3. To access an EmbroideryStudio license that has been assigned to you, download and install the latest version of the software.
Note: Wilcom Account Management supports Digitial Edition and above, all levels.
  1. Sign into the software with your Wilcom Account login details.


  1. Some applications like Truesizer or EmbroideryStudio, may offer trial versions which can be activated by the owner from the Applications page.
  2. Since members cannot assign apps or manage billing, you must contact the organization owner for any changes to your access.
  3. If you are an owner, you can assign or unassign applications for members.
  4. Access to editable profile details with security validations is available via the Edit profile link.

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