Enable PDF Printing' dialogue box appears after opening EmbroideryStudio e4.5

Enable PDF Printing' dialogue box appears after opening EmbroideryStudio e4.5

ISSUE:  Windows could not start the novaPDF 9 Server on the local computer. Error 1053. The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.    

REASON: NovaPDF is not running even with Status as Automatic 




SOLUTION: Remove all SOFTLAND Components

Download the latest copy of EmbroideryStudio e4.5 here  - https://help.wilcom.com/hc/en-us/sections/360000033835-Updates-Release-Notes  


Open Control Panel > Programs and Features

Filter by Publisher

Locate: Softland  [please refer to the screenshot]

Uninstall all SOFTLAND Components 

Restart the PC



Reinstall all SOFTLAND Components [the screenshot shows the latest EmbroideryStudio e4.5.5 when this is created] 



Restart the computer

Re-open EmbroideryStudio e4.5. 

The dialogue box and the .NET framework error should no longer appear.