If ES e4 software crashes or shows a System Error too often, please send an Issue Report

If ES e4 software crashes or shows a System Error too often, please send an Issue Report


IMPORTANT: Please make sure you quoted the Dongle tag number in the issue report form, so we can find your user account and the details of your ES e4/ ES DE HL software in our system. 


With ES e4/ ES DE / ES DE HL, we implemented a new utility to let our users send an issue report to us. Please find this command in the screenshot below:


ES e4.5


In an issue report, it will collect the error log files that are kept in the "Recover" folder of ES e4 installation folder, ES e4 configuration file, and PC information file and upload them to our server.

C:\ProgramData\Wilcom\EmbroideryStudio\Digital Edition\26\RECOVER

C:\ProgramData\Wilcom\EmbroideryStudio\Digital Edition HL\26\RECOVER

ES e4

Our tech support will receive the issue report by email and download those collected files to analyze the issue and will get back to the issue report sender ASAP.


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