Add users to an organization

Add users to an organization

A ‘user’ is an individual who accesses Wilcom software or services, whether as an ‘owner’ or a ‘member’ of an organization. To add a user...

To add users to the organization...

  1. Go to the Users page from the Wilcom Account menu.

  1. Click Add User at the top of the page.

  1. Enter the required details:
    1. Full name
    2. Email address
    3. Optional details like role or department.
  2. Review and ensure all details are correct.
  3. Click Add. Once submitted, an invitation email will be sent to the user. 

Next steps...

Wilcom Account Management sends an invitation email to the new user with instructions to join the organization. The email includes a link for the user to accept the invitation and set up their account. The following steps then play out...
  1. The new user appears in the Users list with a status of ‘Pending’. This means they haven’t yet accepted the invitation.
  2. If the user doesn’t respond, the invitation can be resent from the Users page. Invitations typically expire after 7 days, requiring a new invite if not accepted in time.
  3. User becomes active upon acceptance...
    1. Once the user accepts the invite and complete the sign-up, they are officially added to the organization.
    2. Their status updates from ‘Pending’ to ‘Member’.
    3. They gain access to assigned applications and permissions based on their role.
Note: If the user declines the invitation, their status remains 'Pending' until manually removed by the owner.

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