View thread collections

View thread collections

The Thread Collections page allows owners to import standard thread charts in the form of TCH files. It also allows owners to create and manage thread collections for organization-wide consistency. Changes made by owners are applied globally, ensuring all users see the updated collections. Members have view-only access to thread collections.

To view thread collections...

  1. Go to the Thread Collections page from the Wilcom Account menu.

  1. View available thread collections. The page displays all thread charts and collections accessible to the organization for use with the Truesizer app.
  2. Browse available thread collections. Members can view a list of thread charts and collections available to their organization.
  3. Clicking on a thread collection may provide additional details such as color code, thread name, and brand.
  4. Use the search field to find specific thread brands, colors, or codes.


  1. Owners can create their own thread collections or upload ready-made thread charts from manufacturers. 

  1. If new thread colors are released by manufacturers, owners can update collections to reflect these changes. Standard thread charts are provided as TCH files.
  2. Owners can delete collections when they are no longer needed, but not standard thread charts.

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