Manage WilcomWorkspace subscriptions

Manage WilcomWorkspace subscriptions

Owners can manage WilcomWorkspace subscriptions through Wilcom Account Management. The key functions include viewing, updating, renewing, and canceling subscriptions.

To manage WilcomWorkspace subscriptions...

  1. Go to the Billing page from the Wilcom Account menu.

  1. WilcomWorkspace subscriptions are listed under the relevant billing cycle – annual or monthly. Details include:
    1. Type of subscription
    2. Number of licenses
    3. Cost per billing period
    4. Next payment date
  2. Owners can update payment methods by clicking the 3-dot menu next to a subscription and selecting Edit payment method.

  1. If a subscription has been canceled but is still active, owners can renew it before the end of the billing cycle. Select Renew subscription from the 3-dot menu.
  2. To cancel a subscription, select Cancel license(s) from the 3-dot menu. Select the number of licenses to cancel.
    1. Only unassigned licenses can be canceled.
    2. Licenses remain active until the end of the current billing cycle.
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